Lawyer Shadi Younis, who represents detainee Yahia Sinwar from Gaza, demanded the Israeli Prison Authorities to provide Sinwar with the needed medical treatment.

Sinwar is currently in at the hospital of Al Ramleh Detention facility after suffering a sever setback while he was confined to solitary in Eshil detention facility, in Be’er Shiva, he suffered a brain-stroke, and developed complications which affected his sight and hearing abilities.

Sinwar was operated in Soroka Israeli Hospital in Be’er Shiva after his health condition sharply deteriorated as a result of medical neglect and bad living conditions in the detention facility.

“His condition improved after receiving intensive care in Soroka hospital”, Younis said, “But prison administration moved him back to prison before he completed his medical treatment, and contracted infection in his eyes”.

Sinwar is tied to his bed at the prison hospital in Al Ramleh detention facility, in spite of not being able to move.

Also, Sinwar was confined to solitary since he was arrested several years ago, and was sentenced to multiple life terms.

Also, lawyer Younis reported that Israeli Prison Administration removed detainee Mousa Doudin, from solitary, after he was confined to solitary for four years.

Sinwar was confined to solitary in Hadarim detention facility, in an attempt to bar him from being with the rest of the detainees.

Sinwar is considered one of the founders of Al Qassam brigades, the military wing of Hamas; he was arrested in 1988.