After a long period of calm, Palestinian fire three ‘Quds 2’ home-made shells at the Israeli Negev town of Sderot, Israeli security sources reported. The shells landed in an open field causing no damage or injuries.

The Islamic Jihad Movement claimed responsibility for the attack saying the attack is in retaliation for the killing of two Islamic Jihad members near the West Bank city of Tulkarem earlier of Friday.

Ammar Erheyyim, a spokesperson of the brigades, said that it will continue its operations against the Israeli army.

“They assassinated two of our fighters in Tulkarem, earlier this dawn”, Erheyyim said, “This crime will not pass unpunished, shelling Sderot is only the beginning”.

Erheyyim also said that the resistance is a legitimate right, adding that the Gaza Strip is still occupied by the Israeli army, therefore retaliation will also be from the Gaza Strip “as well as any other occupied area”.

This is the first time the resistance fire homemade shells at Israeli targets since Israel has completed the disengagement plan from the Gaza Strip.

Israeli Minister of Defense, Shaul Mofaz threatened to apply ‘Zero Tolerance’ policy against Qassam fire or other attacks from the Gaza Strip following the pullout.

Three fighters were killed in Tulkarem, two of which were identified at Islamic Jihad members, while the third said to be member of the Aqsa Martyr brigades, the armed wing of the Fatah ruling party.

Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas described the killing of the three in Tulkarem as ‘dangerous and unjustified.’

The assassination came one day after the Palestinian factions agreed to end the display of weapons in the Palestinian areas including the celebrations and rallies.

The Islamic Jihad spokesman in Tulkarem Abu Qassam told IMEMC that resistance should not be hidden as long as it is needed.


‘The resistance will continue and the resistance weapon is legitimate and should not be hidden as long as the occupation’s aggression, the invasion of the West Bank cities and the killing of children and civilians continue,’ Abu Qassam said.

Asked about whether the group will retaliate for the assassination of its two members, Abu Qassam said ‘the fighters will respond.’