Jamal Tirawi, one of the leaders of Al Aqsa Brigades in Nablus area, told the IMEMC that the brigades will retaliate to the assassination of two its fighters who were killed by Israeli the army ,in Balata refugee camp earlier on Friday at dawn, and the three fighters assassinated on Thursday, in a predawn invasion in Jenin.

Tirawi stated that the Brigades considers itself unbound to the truce after Israel resumed its assassinations and attacks against the Palestinian factions and resistance fighters in the occupied West Bank.

Tirawi reported that soldiers, supported by armored vehicles, invaded Balata refuge camp from all directions, and exchanged fire with the fighters.

“Ala’ Tirawi, leader of the central operations unit of the brigades and Jamal Ibrahim Jeremy, one of our fighters were killed”, Tirawi said, “Mohammad Al Qittawi was seriously injured during the two-hour clashes”.

Soldiers barred medical teams from evacuating the fighters, until they made sure they were dead, Tirawi added. 

Several residents were injured in the camp during the military operation.

“The Israeli leadership is not interested in peace”, Tirawi stated, “Sharon wants to please the Israeli right wing by spilling the Palestinian blood”.

The Brigades officially declared that it unbounds itself from the truce, and will retaliate to the assassination of its fighters, and to the continuous military operations in the Palestinian territories.

“We had a clear stance in the brigades; we were fully committed to the truce, and officially declared this position”, Tirawi said, “We said that we are committed to the decisions of out political leadership, but Israel is not interested in peace, Sharon wants to spill our blood, but now we will strike back”.