The Palestinian Ministry of Interior said on Thursday that it prepared a plan to end the chaos and insecurity in the Palestinian territories.

Tawfik Abu Khousa, the ministry spokesperson, stated that the P.A is preparing a security plan in order to end the state of insecurity and chaos in the Palestinian controlled areas.

“The plan will be implemented in coherence with the agreements arrived between the president and the Palestinian factions”, Abu Khousa said, “The P.A is the only legitimate power which is authorized to bear arms in the Palestinian areas”.

Also, Abu Khousa added that the arms of the resistance factions should not be displayed in public areas, adding that the P.A will not allow any side to use its arms against it or against the residents.

Commenting on criticisms against the ministry and its role in the Palestinian territories, Abu Khousa said that their have been accumulative mistakes since the P.A was established some 11 years ago, and that the ministry needs the cooperation of the residents and political factions.

“We are conducting our duties”, Abu Khousa said, “We are implementing all of the orders issued by the political leadership”.