Leader of Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in Tulkarem Mohammad Shihada (Abu Firas) said that some corrupt leaders at the Palestinian Authority are trying to sabotage the relation between the brigades and the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Abu Mazin.

“We know those corrupt officials very well”, Abu Firas said, “They want to embarrass Abbas in front of his people and the world, they want us to appear like a gang which does not respect the law”.

“We are part of the Palestinian Authority, part of Fateh movement”, he added.

Commenting on the collective resignations submitted by members and leaders of the brigades in Tulkarem, Abu Firas said that this issue took place after the salaries of five members stopped without any reason or explanation.

The five members had close relations with the Palestinian National Security Forces.

“This is why at least 35 members submitted the resignation from the security devices in Tulkarem”, Abu Firas said, “We released an official statement explaining our position, we want officials status, we want to receive our rights and perform our duties”. 

Also, Abu Firas added that Abdul Fattah Hamayil, P.A official in charge of the wanted fighters file, expressed readiness to cooperate with them, and present their demands to a special committee which will be formed to deal with their case.

Commenting on the case of Dr. Riyadh Al Ras, who was abducted by unknown gunmen, Abu Firas said that the brigades have no relation with this incident, and that there are certain P.A figures who know the assailants.

Dr. Al Ras is a Hamas political figure, who was abducted along with two other figures by an armed group; was released several hours after he was abducted.

Dr. Al Ras is the Dean of the Engineering Department at Al Najah University in Nablus. 

Abu Firas added that the brigades will not violate the law, since it is a movement which fought for the country and its liberation, and that the brigades are committed to the truce and the decisions of the P.A.

“We are members of Fateh movement”, he said, “We are members of the Palestinian Authority”.

                                                                                                        Translated by Saed Bannoura, IMEMC