A Palestinian security source in Gaza reported that the two American and British Journalists, who were abducted on Wednesday in Khan Younis, were released and transferred to Gaza.

Palestinian Minister of Interior Nasser Yousef instructed the security devices to uncover all of the details regarding the abduction.

Yousef strongly condemned the abduction which was carried out by a Fateh armed group, and added that the P.A will stand firm against these acts and arrested the persons behind them.

Also, Yousef added that the ministry will not hesitate in arresting and punishing and member of the security devices if he is involved in these violations. The two Journalists are working with an American newspaper known as “Night Rider”.

American and British Journalists kidnapped in Gaza

George Rishmawi-IMEMC

American and British journalists were kidnapped in Gaza Strip on Wednesday afternoon by unknown gunmen, Palestinian sources reported.

 According to a report by Reuters, the two journalists, who work for the Knight Ridder newspaper, were seized by assailants who stopped their car near the town of Khan Yunis and took them away at gunpoint, their Palestinian translator, Ziad Abu Mustafa.

Some Palestinian unofficial sources said, the assailants could be unemployed people who claim to be members of an armed group called the ‘Black Panther.’

Several journalists have been kidnapped in the Gaza Strip in the past few months, but those are the first to be kidnapped after the Israeli army pulled out of the Gaza Strip.

None of the Palestinian resistance groups claimed responsibility for the kidnapping.