The Palestinian Authority (P.A) asked Qatar recently to hand in a Palestinian corrupt official who fled to its territories.

The official is involved in corrupt cases and embezzlement which mounted to millions of US Dollars.

A senior Palestinian source said that that official, who was not identified, embezzled millions of dollars while he was serving as the General Director of the Palestinian Ministry of Planning, which was headed by the current P.A Information Minister Nabil Shaath, the Arabs48 news website reported.

“He managed to escape from the Gaza Strip several years ago”, the official said, “He escaped after his name was mentioned in report prepared by the General Monitoring Committee on huge corruption cases he was involved in”.

 Also, the Arabs48 news website added that the fleeing official is currently living in Qatar and works in the National Bank there.

He is wanted for interrogation in cases which could expose other corrupt figures. The Palestinian embassy in Qatar is currently holding talks with Qatari officials in order to hand the fleeing official, who could be transferred to Gaza through the Rafah Border Crossing became under Palestinian control.