The Israeli police rejected a request filed by an Israeli extremist group which calls it self “Temple Mount Trustees” to enter Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem on Tuesday, during the celebrations of the Socot Jewish feast.

General Elan Franco, commander of the Jerusalem Police, said that the entry of the Jewish group into the mosque during the Holy Muslim month of Ramadan, could inflame the situation, and is considered a breach to the Israeli High Court ruling which barred the movement from entering it.

The group, along with other extremist groups in Israel, is seeking to place the “foundation stone” for the Jewish temple in Al Aqsa mosque.

Franco asked the Israeli High Court to reject a recent appeal filed by the movement in order to enter the mosque.

The group was repeatedly barred from entering the mosque over the last several years since it could inflame a new wave of violence in the area.

Al Aqsa Intifada inflamed in the Palestinian territories, late September 2000, after Ariel Sharon, who headed the apposition during that period, conducted a provocative visit to the mosque, along with his armed bodyguards.