The Palestinian Prisoners Society reported on Tuesday that a special Israeli military force attacked several child detainees in Ofer detention facility, and confined some of them to solitary.

The society stated that the masked soldiers attacked a section in the facility which is used to confine child detainees, searched it, and attacked several children who were screaming and crying after being terrified by the sudden attack of the under-cover unit.

“The screams and cries of the children were heard all over the detention facility”, a detainee told the society.

Also, soldiers dragged several children out of their rooms and confined them to solitary, in cold and dark cells.

The branch, used to confine child detainees in Ofer, is isolated from the rest of the branches.

There are 350 child detainees imprisoned in several Israeli detention facilities and deprived from their basic rights such as a healthy environment and their right of education.