Following several days of meetings between Fatah and Hamas, a document of understanding will be signed in the coming few days, Hamas spokesman said on Sunday.

‘Our intensive meetings with Fatah focused on reaching an common understanding that can be singed by both of us and then presented to the other Palestinian factions,’ Sami Abu Zuhri told reporters in Gaza.
The draft agreement deals with the relation among the factions and the future of the resistance especially in the Gaza Strip after the Israeli pullout, completed last month.
Abu Zuhri added, ‘Hamas agreed in principle to restart dialogue among the factions in Cairo with a goal to evaluate the previous talks and their results and to put a program for the post-disengagement period.’
Previous talks among the Palestinian factions in Cairo in March resulted in declaring unilateral nine months of calm.  The factions hoped Israel would reciprocate the calm, however, it did not.
Last month, and earlier this month, tension between Hamas and Fatah escalated and armed clashes took place which claimed the lives of several Palestinians including civilians and a policemen and left dozens wounded.
One of the clashes erupted when the Palestinian Authority attempted to arrest the son of one of late Hamas prominent leaders, Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Rantisi, who was assassinated in Gaza strip in an Israeli air strike in April of 2004.
Another clash erupted between the two main factions when the Palestinian Police attempted to stop Hamas fighters from firing home-made Qassam shells at Israeli targets in response to the assassination of one of its operatives in the west Bank.
One of the consequences of this tension was apparent in the kidnapping of three of Hamas leaders in the West Bank by an unknown group, which delivered the abducted leaders a message to Hamas, before releasing them.
The message stated, ‘Whenever Hamas breaks, the law and attempts to hurt the Palestinian Authority or Fatah movement in the Gaza Strip, it will reflect on its leaders in the West Bank.’