The Al Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad, vowed to retaliate to the assassination of its leader Jihad Zakarna, 21, and his deputies Irshaiyyed Ahmad Kamil, 21, and Lu’ay Al Saadi, who was assassinated last Monday, in Tulkarem.

Abu Mojahid, the media spokesperson of the brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad, said that the fighter will not stand idle while Israel resumes its operations and assassinations.

Abu Mojahid added that what the military operations carried out by the Israeli army in Qabatia, Borqeen and Atteel, north of the Wets Bank, proves that Sharon and his government are nor interested in peace or the truce.

“We reject to be part of a truce which claims the lives of our people”, Abu Mojahid said, “We call on the Palestinian factions to reconsider their position regarding the truce, which was never respected by Israel”.

Abu Mojahid vowed fast and painful retaliation in Israel and the occupied territories.