The family of Ahmad Al Khateeb, 11, who was shot by the Israeli army on Thursday, while walking with his parents near the Jenin Secondary School for Girls, has donated his body organs for the sake of peace between peoples.

Soldiers claimed that they mistook a toy gun the child was carrying, with a real rifle.

The child was transferred to a hospital in Ramallah but when the seriousness of his condition became clear, the Palestinian Authority arranged to have him transferred to an Israeli hospital.

Dr. Tzvi Ben-Yishai, a spokesman for Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, where Al Khateeb had been treated, said that the his parents decided to donate his organs ‘to bring hearts closer and bring peace closer.’

Jamil Al Khateeb, the uncle of the child, confirmed that the family had donated the organs of the child.

Child dies of wounds sustained Thursday
Saed Bannoura-IMEMC & Agencies – Saturday, 05 November 2005, 17:55

A Palestinian medical source in Jenin, reported on Saturday afternoon, that the child who was shot in Jenin on Thursday, died of his wounds, Saturday.

The child remained in critical condition at the Intensive Caree Unit, at Rambam Israeli hospital in Haifa, until his was officially pronounced dead.

Child shot in Jenin is clinically dead
Saed Bannoura-IMEMC & Agencies, Thursday, 06 November, 2005

Palestinian sources in Jenin reported that the child who was shot earlier on Thursday on Jenin refugee camp is clinically dead, earlier it was reported that the child died.

An Israeli military source claimed that soldiers mistook a toy gun the child, Ahmad Al Khateeb, 12, was carrying with a real one and fired at him; the child was transferred Rambam Medical hospital in Haifa.

Army was operating in Jenin and Jenin refugee camp when the incident took place.

Army kills a child in Jenin
Saed Bannoura-IMEMC & Agencies

Israeli soldiers shot and killed, on Thursday morning, a Palestinian child in the West Bank city of Jenin after invading it, and several surrounding villages.

The Palestinian News Agency, WAFA, reported that soldiers fired at Ahmad Al Khateeb, 11, while he was walking with his parents near the Jenin Secondary School for Girls, and abducted his body.