The Gaza center for Rights and Law reported that insecurity in the Palestinian areas, and misuse of arms claimed the lives of 11 Palestinian residents during the month of October, 2005.

The center reported that 11 residents were killed and 74 were shot and injured as a result of the misuse of weapons in the Palestinian areas.

Nine residents, including two foreigners, were abducted by gunmen, in addition to eight armed attacks which were carried against private and governmental institutions last month.

The center demanded the Palestinian Authority to form special committees in order to investigate into these attacks and violations, and arrest the assailants who are endangering the lives of the residents, and attacking their institutions.

Also, the center demanded the P.A to act firmly against all sorts of insecurity in the Palestinian areas, and implement the rulings which were issued by the Palestinian courts against assailants who were arrested and prosecuted.

Dozens of residents, and members of the Palestinian security devices were arrested for violations and attacks carried in the P.A controlled areas.