A Palestinian security source reported on Monday, that Palestinian Interior Minister, General Nasser Yousef, instructed the Palestinian police and security services to act firmly in halting the chaos, lack of security and violations against private and public properties.

Following his meeting with President Mahmoud Abbas, Yousef held a meeting with security heads in Gaza, and instructed them to act in order to impose law and order in the Palestinian controlled areas, and to counter all cases of security violations.
“Protecting the security of the people and organizations is an important part of protecting our country and interests”, Yousef said, “We will act immediately against these violations and implement the directives of the president in this regard.”
Senior Palestinian sources also reported on Monday that security services formed special committees to implement these orders and bring to justice all those responsible for these violations regardless of their position, which includes members of the PA security services and institutions.
Dozens of residents and members of the Palestinian security services were recently arrested for violations and attacks carried out in the PA-controlled areas.
Earlier on Monday, the ministry called on the residents to refrain from carrying or possessing unlicensed arms or ammunition.
The statement was released after two residents were injured in the Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip after a grenade one was carrying exploded.
The Gaza Center for Rights and Law reported on Sunday that the lack of security in the Palestinian areas and misuse of arms claimed the lives of 11 Palestinians during the month of October, 2005.
The center reported that 11 residents were killed and 74 injured as a result of the misuse of weapons in the Palestinian areas.
Furthermore, nine residents, including two foreigners, were abducted by gunmen, in addition to eight armed attacks which were carried out against private and government institutions last month.