Palestinian legislator Qaddoura Fares visited on Monday evening the jailed legislator, Fateh leader, Marwan Barghouthi, in his cell in Hadarim Israeli detention facility, near Haifa, north of the country.

Fares told the Palestinenet News website, that Barghouthi is confined to solitary, but “enjoys high spirits and determination”.

Fares said that he discussed issues with Barghouthi regarding the Fateh international elections which are considered part of the preparations for the upcoming legislative elections.

“The Fateh primaries are an advanced step in order to reorganize the internal situation in the movement”, Fares said, “Every Fateh member should take part in these elections, and practice his rights”.

Meanwhile, Barghouthi said that the leaders of Fateh should have the opportunity to compete in the Fateh list in a democratic way, and refrain from appointing their candidates.

Also, Barghouthi added that the movement should end all sorts of conflicts, in order to be able to counter the Israeli violations and the Separation Wall without being busy in internal conflicts.

“Israel is arresting, assassinating, and annexing” Barghouthi said, “Israel is still conducting its policies against the Palestinians, we have to concentrate on countering these violations”.

Barghouthi rejected “the threats” Sharon and his government voiced against Hamas movement and its members, adding that Hamas is part of the Palestinian people, and the Palestinian resistance.

“The Israeli threats and demands are considered a direct interference in our internal issues”, he stated, “We reject any Israel interference in our internal issues, we will hold out democratic elections, and all of the factions will participate”.