Israeli soldiers shot and killed one Palestinian child and injured five other residents after invading the West Bank city on Nablus, on Tuesday evening.

The Palestinian News Agency, WAFA, reported that soldiers invaded the Northern Mountain (Eibal) area, in Nablus, and fired rounds of lie ammunition at dozens of residents and homes.

One child identified as Mohammad Hamdi Abu Salha, 15, was shot and killed after sustaining a live round in his head; four other residents were injured.

All of the injured residents, and the body of the killed child were transferred to Rafidia governmental hospital in Nablus.

The agency stated that soldiers operated in the French Park areas, in the center of the northern mountain, while soldiers based at Eibal military camp, installed at the top of the mountain, also fired rounds of live ammunition.

A local source in Nablus reported that soldiers also fired at ambulances and medical teams in an attempt to bar them from reaching the shelled area.

Also on Tuesday, troops invaded Al Far’a refugee camp, in Nablus, and fired rounds of live ammunition at dozens of homes. One member of the Islamic Jihad, identified as Mohammad Al Ghoul was injured.

The Israeli online daily Yedioth Ahronoth quoted a military source claiming that soldiers fired at three residents while attempting to plant an explosive charge near Nablus.

Earlier on Tuesday, an Israeli army officer was wounded when a roadside explosive detonated near a military jeeps operating in Nablus.

The three residents were injured; one of them was transferred by the army to an Israeli hospital, while the two other residents were hospitalized in Nablus.