Israeli Supreme Court released from prison a settler who attacked a Palestinian teen identified as Hilal Majaida, 18, on June 2005, before the Israeli pullout from the settlements there.
The settler led a group which attempted to murder Majaida; the group attacked the teen violently until the Israeli police arrived at the scene and took him away.  
Shimshon Sitrin was released from detention, but he was not acquitted from attempted murder, rioting, sabotage and violating travel restrictions, Israeli online daily Haaretz reported.
Sitrin will be kept under house arrest at Sha’alvim, under the supervision of Rabbi Hanoch Herbes.
Supreme Court Judge Edmund Levi made his decision to release the settler to house arrest, and to restrict his movements.
“The court reached the conclusion that Sitrin understood the mistake he made”, Israeli online daily Haaretz reported.
The judge claimed that the settler understood “that violence is not the way” to protect the land of Israel, but it is achieved by combining Torah studies with manual labor”.
“The Palestinian youth was lying on the ground after being attacked settlers, Sitrin saw him and a soldier who was trying to protect him”, the indictment statement reads, “Sitrin picked up a stone, and threw it strongly on the youth’s head, in an attempt to kill him”.
The bail was set by the court a 20.000 New Israeli Shekels (less than 4500 US Dollars); more money guarantees will be provided by rabbi Herbes.  
The Palestinian youth said that he does not remember much of the incident, he just remembers the Israeli officer, who is a member of Naveh Dikalim security, laying on top of him and trying to move the settlers away.
Majaida fainted after a stone hit him in the head, and woke up in Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.
Majaida is a resident of Al Mawassi, in Khan Younis.