In a telephone conversation with Palestinian detainees in the Negev detention camp Wednesday, Hamas Bureau Chief, Khaled Mashal, affirmed that the movement isn’t inclined towards renewing the present calm declared by the Palestinian factions last March in Cairo.

The calm expires on December 2005. Mashal stated that his Movement asked Cairo to postpone the meeting of the Palestinian factions which was slated to take place this month, and conduct it after the Palestinian legislative elections slated which will be held on January 25, 2005.
“Israel never respected the truce, and insists to impose its political agenda on the Palestinians”, Mashal said, “Such meetings between the Palestinians under the current circumstances wont bring about any fruitful result”.   
Also, Mashal accused the Palestinian Authority of acting against its declared policy of rearranging the Palestinian home and boosting the principle of democracy by slicing the local municipal elections into 3 then 4 and five phases.
 Mashal accused the Palestinian Authority of helping the Israeli army in arresting its activists in the recent wide range sweeps through the West Bank cities
“We, unfortunately, have reliable information from within the PA that the its security apparatuses had provided the Israeli army with lists of Hamas activists in the West Bank” Mashal added, “The army arrested those activists in recent invasions”.
Commenting on Hebron elections, the Hamas leader, affirmed the “a high-ranking PA official telephoned him requesting the movement’s approval to form a joint list with Fatah Movement.
“We, of course, turned this proposal down, prompting the PA to hold the elections in the district” Mashal added.
The United States administration, has asked the Israeli premier, Ariel Sharon, and his ministers not to publicly announce their rejection to the participation of Hamas in the elections, arguing that such public statements and arrests would boost Hamas’ position among the Palestinian public and weaken Fatah ahead of the upcoming legislative elections.
The Hamas political bureau chief denounced the latest Palestinian-Israeli agreement on the Rafah border terminal, and other borders in the Gaza Strip, arguing that this agreement “is against the Palestinian people’s aspirations, and lames the Palestinian sovereignty. 
He emphasized that the Palestinian people amidst all those political developments and situations in the region have no option but to remain steadfast siding by the resistance factions, and to enhance national unity until achieving their ultimate goal having an  independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.