Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, presented the platform of his “Kadima” party, and said that he is willing to join forces with any party in order to form the next government.

The platform of the Sharon new party states that “the Nation has the historic and national right to a complete Israel, but part of the country must be conceded in order for a Jewish and democratic state to exist”, Israeli online daily Ynetnews reported.
The party had been joined so fat by 17 members of the Knesset, during its meeting on Monday, Israeli Justice Minister Tzipi Livni presented the party platform to 14 MK’s who assembled in the meeting.
The platform of the party also reads that it would support “an additional nation” to solve the problem of the Palestinian refugees, “a state which would not be a terror state”.
Also, the party retains the larger settlement blocks in the West Bank, and Jerusalem as the Unified Capital of Israel.
Kadima is said to be committed to the Road Map plan, especially in certain parts; dismantling resistance factions, the collection of weapons, and Palestinian Authority security reforms”.  
As for “internal” Israeli issues, Kadima believes in strengthening the Jewish identity in the society, bridging the secular and religious conflict and developing Israel’s democratic characteristics.
The economic development plans include development in the Galilee and Negev, and war of crime and poverty, Israeli online daily Ynetnews reported.
Sharon said during the meeting that he may consider Benjamin Netanyahu as a potential coalition partner.
“We are in favor of greater unity”, Sharon said, “I will not reject anyone”.  
Earlier on Monday, sources close to Sharon rejected the possibility of forming a government in cooperation with the Likud led by Netanyahu.
According to Monday morning’ reports, Sharon’s close associates rejected the possibility of forming a government in conjunction with Netanyahu, Uzi Landau, or Moshe Feiglin, and that the Israeli Defense Minister, Shaul Mofaz, and Foreign Minister, Silvan Shalom are potential partners.
Kadima director, Avigdor Yitzhaki, discussed issues regarding the verbal attacks against new members who are joining the party. He said that an arranged registration procedure should be conducted.