Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, met on Thursday with Labor Party chairman Amir Peretz, and told him, for the second time since his election to the post, the he is staying in the Labor party.

So far, it is unclear whether Barak will contend for a spot in the Labor party list at the coming Knesset, but sources close to him reported that the meeting between the two was good.
The newly elected Labor party chairman, Peretz, is holding meetings with well-known personalities at the party in order to form its new leadership.
A Source close to Peretz said that he the names of those who will participate in the leadership will be made public in the coming days.   
Labor party officials believe that the departure of the former vice premier, Shimon Peres, on Wednesday night has left Peretz short of personalities which have experience in the political-defense filed.
Labor member of Knesset, Shalom Simhon, announced on Wednesday that he will stay in the party and will contend for a spot in its list. Simhon was pressured by Sharon to leave the Labor and join the Kadima party, formed by Sharon recently.
Simhon, after announcing that he is not leaving the Labor party, phoned MK Omri Sharon, the son Ariel Sharon, and informed him of his decision.