Palestinian National security Advisor, Jebril Rajoub, reportedly won the Fateh primaries in the west Bank city of Hebron. The final results of the elections have not been officially announced.

The winner of the Fateh primaries in Hebron gets the second-place position in the ruling party’s parliamentary list since Hebron district is the largest election district in the Palestinian territories.
The first one of the Fateh list is the jailed leader Marwan Barghouthi.
Rajoub was also imprisoned in Israel for 18 years, his win is considered as one of the accomplishments of the Fateh younger generation.  
He headed the Palestinian Preventive security after the Palestinian Authority was formed, and served lately as the national security advisor of the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas.
Ex-minister at the Palestinian Authority, Nabil Amr, and Rafiq Al Natsha are reportedly among the rank of top winners, in addition to Fateh activists Jamal Shobaki and Zoheir Manasra
On Friday, Fateh called of the primaries in the West Bank cities of Qalqilia and Salfit, after gunmen fired burned ballot boxes and fired in the air.
Fateh officials said voting was canceled in Salfit and Qalqilia due to the violence and disputes over voter eligibility.
In Salfit, gunmen burned at least one ballot box and fired bullets into the air, P.A officials said.
Dozens of Fateh members continued to vote in Salfit despite the cancellation, officials said that the results would not be valid.
The primaries in Fateh movement are the first since it was formed in 1958; the younger generation in Fateh is demanding transparent operations in the movement.
The first round of Fateh elections in the west bank last week went on without violence, and brought victory to the young-guard candidates.