Sheikh Hasan Yousef, one of Hamas’ political leaders in the West Bank, called on the Palestinian factions, and Israel, to remain committed to the truce and the articles of the Cairo deal.

Sheikh Yousef said that the truce should be bilateral adding that “the bombings are conducted in retaliation to the continuous attacks carried out by the occupation army”.
The statements of Yousef came during an interview with the Israeli Radio; he refused to denounce the Netnaya suicide bombing, and said that every action has a reaction, and that the main action here is the continuous attacks carried out by the occupation against the Palestinian people.
Commenting on the upcoming legislative elections, Sheikh Yousef said that the movement named its candidates to the elections and that it is ready to cooperate with any Palestinian faction after the elections.
Yet, Yousef stated that Hamas did not officially decide to be part of the upcoming Palestinian government.  
Meanwhile, Sheikh Jamal Abu al Haija, one of Hamas leaders called on the Palestinian factions and people to “lineup” against the Israeli policies which aim to break the unity of the Palestinians.
Yousef, the detained Hamas leader, said from Hadarim Israeli detention facility that the latest Israeli threats to target the leaders and fighters, is considered a continuation to the hostile policies of the consecutive Israeli governments.  
Yousef was sentenced by an Israeli court to nine consecutive life-terms.
Sheikh Sharif Tahaina, one of the prominent leaders of the Islamic Jihad movement, called on the Palestinian Authority to close the “political arrests” file, and release the political detainees, since this issue is obstructing real understandings and agreements among the Palestinians.
Tahaina called on the Palestinian Authority and factions to unite, adding that the truce is about to expire by the end of this month, but the Palestinian factions will not agree to renew it without an Israeli commitment to stop the assassination, and the invasions.
“Israel should also start releasing the detainees in a timeframe which is coherent with real withdrawals from Palestinian cities”, Sheikh Tahaina added.