Israeli soldiers arrested, on Thursday before dawn, 23 residents in the West Bank; 20 of the arrestees are from Beit Liqya village, near the West Bank city of Ramallah.

Israeli online daily, Haaretz, quoted an army source stating that twenty members of Hamas were arrested in Beit Liqya village, near the West Bank city of Ramallah, while three residents were arrested in two other West Bank areas.
After the Netanya suicide bombing carried on Monday, Israel has pledged to expand and widen its operations in the West Bank, and to resume the targeted killing policies in the Wets Bank and the Gaza Strip.
The operations include invasions, assassinations and air strikes.
Also on Thursday at dawn, soldiers invaded several villages and towns in Tubas, Qalqilia, Tulkarem and Jenin, and broke into dozens of homes. Soldiers used several homes as military posts and monitoring towers.  
Late on Wednesday at night, an Israeli apache fired a missile at an unidentified target in the northern Gaza Strip; the missile exploded in an open area causing no injuries.
Also, soldiers fired missile at roads said to be leading to sites from which the resistance fires homemade shells at Israeli targets,  
Heavy shooting between Palestinian resistance fighters, and Israeli soldiers was reported in the southern part of the Gaza strip.
Army claims that a total of thee homemade shells, and one mortar shell, were fired from the Gaza Strip and landed in Israeli areas.
In a separate incident, Israeli soldiers assassinated on Wednesday, Mohammad Al Arqan, one of the field commanders of the Popular Resistance Committees, several residents were injured after an Israeli apache fired a missile at a car in which fighters were driving.   
Resistance factions vowed retaliation.