Israeli soldiers arrested, on Saturday morning, five Palestinians in the West Bank city of Nablus, and installed dozens of roadblocks around the city and its nearby villages, barring the residents from crossing.

A local source in Nablus reported that soldiers arrested five residents, said to be members of Hamas, after invading several neighborhoods in the city and breaking into dozens of homes.
The arrestees were identified as Mohammad Akkouba, Zahi Al Kousa, and three brothers identified as Naseem, Darweesh and Mohammad Hbeisha.
Also, soldiers based at Beit Forik, Beit Eedba, Al Bathan, and Huwwara checkpoints. Near Nablus, stopped dozens of vehicles and barred males age 16-40 from crossing.
Dozens of university students, and employees were unable to cross, into Nablus, while residents of the city were also not allowed to leave. 
Soldiers also installed roadblocks closing the entrances of Beit Forik village near Nablus, and barred the residents from corrsing.
Head of Beit Forik village council, Husam Hanani, said that the military procedures are obstructing the daily live of the residents and depriving them from reaching their desired destinations, including educational facilities and hospitals.
Earlier on Saturday at dawn, Israeli soldiers invaded the West Bank city of Jenin and Kafer Ra’ey village, and conducted military searches of homes.
Also, soldiers invaded several villages near Tulkarem and conducted military searches of homes.
One resident was arrested in Jayyous village, near Tulkarem, after the soldiers invaded it. The resident was identified as Isam Mohammad Shbeita, 31.
Soldiers installed dozens of roadblocks around Tulkarem and on the Qalqilia-Tulkarem roads and stopped dozens of vehicles.