The Lebanon based Hezbollah Party held Israel responsible for the explosion which took place in the vehicle of one of its leaders east of Beirut, on Friday at night; the leader was unharmed since the explosive went off after he step out of his vehicle.
“We will do whatever it takes to defend ourselves”, one of Hezbollah leaders said, “This assassination attempt is a clear translation of the Israeli threats against us”.
The party did not identify the leader who was targeted, while Lebanese sources reported that the leader was identified as Hussein Assaf.
The party released a press release after the explosion saying that one of the leaders of the Islamic resistance was targeted by an explosion which ripped his vehicle that was parked near the home of Sheikh Mohammad Bazbak, one of the political leaders of the party.  
“We hold the Zionist enemy responsible for planning and carrying this crime”, the press release reads, “We will do whatever is needed to cut the hands which target the resistance and its leaders”. 
The Israeli army denied any relation to the failed assassination attempt, adding that “none of its planes flew over Lebanon on Friday”.
Two Hezbollah officials were assassinated over the last two year under similar circumstances.
Special Forces of the Israeli army carried several assassinations and assassination attempts previously in Lebanon. The army usually denies responsibility for such attacks, and claims responsibility after a period of time when the circumstances starts to clear.