Several leaders of Palestinian resistance factions said that the truce which was declared during the Cairo talks, earlier this year, has ended after the army resumed the assassinations against resistance fighters and leaders in the Gaza strip.

The latest two assassinations carried out by the Israeli army targeted leaders of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, and Salah Ed Deen Brigades.
Mohammad Hijazi, number one wanted activist, a leader of the Al Aqsa brigades, the military wing of Fateh, in Gaza, said that the truce has officially ended since the army resumed it military operations, invasions and assassinations. 
“The truce will expire by the end of the year, it will not be renewed” Hijazi said, “The Palestinian people are paying the price; the occupation will have to bare consequences of its actions”. 
Abu Hamza, one of the political leaders of the al Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad, said that the truce, which came as a result of internal talks and an agreement between the Palestinian factions, has officially ended after the army targeted leaders of the brigades in Tulkarem and Jenin.
“Since the truce was declared the Israeli army assassinated 23 leaders of the brigades in Tulkarem and Jenin”, Abu Hamza said, “The Brigades has officially decided not to renew the truce, and will retaliate to the assassinations and attacks”. 
Also, Abu Mojahid, the official spokesperson of the Salah ed Deen brigades, the military wing of the Popular Resistance Committees, said that the brigades rejects the renewal of the truce, adding that the circumstances and the setback Fateh movement suffered after the death of Yasser Arafat, urged the factions to agree to the truce.     
Abu Mojahid called on the Palestinian Authority to stop its political arrests, especially after it arrested several members of the brigades, Al Aqsa brigades, and al Quds brigades, in the West Bank.
Abu Abdullah, one of the prominent leaders of Iz Ed Deen Al Qassam brigades, the military wing of Hamas, said that the wing was committed to the truce throughout the year, adding that if the political leadership of Hamas decides to renew the truce, the decision will be based on certain conditions which will be topped by an immediate halt to the assassinations, invasion and attacks carried out by the army.  
“The truce will not be renewed unless Israel is fully committed to it”, Abu Abdullah said, “We will target the occupation anywhere, if it continues its attacks”.