A Palestinian security source in Gaza reported soldiers based along the border line between the northern part of the Gaza Strip and Israel, killed on Saturday at night, one fighter apparently trying to place an explosive device.

According to a report released by the Israeli army, soldiers killed a Palestinian fighter while he was trying to bomb a military patrol on the border between Gaza and Israel.
The Popular Resistance Committee reported that one of its fighters was shot and killed while he was placing mines along a road patrolled by the Israeli army near the Erez Crossing, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.
Soldiers fired a tank shell at the fighter, and rounds of live ammunition; the Israeli army claims that one of the explosive, the fighter was planting, exploded before the army fired at him.
Also, an Israeli military source reported that the fighter managed to crawl within 100 meters of the Gaza Border Fence.
Dr. Moawiya Hassanen, head of the Emergency Units at the Palestinian Ministry of Health, reported soldiers barred the ambulance and its medical crew from reaching the body of the fighter.  
In a separate incident, fighters of Al Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad, Al Aqsa and Abu Mas’oud brigades, the military wings of Fateh, And Salah Ed Deen Brigades, the military wing of the Popular Resistance Committees exchanged fire with the Israeli army, on Saturday at night, no injuries were reported.
On Saturday evening, soldiers assassinated Khaled Abu Sitta, 25, a senior member of Abu Al Reesh Brigades, was assassinated after the Israeli air force fired a missile at his car while he was driving near Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip. 
The vehicle was directly hit by the missile, and turned into a pile of scorched and twisted metal. Abu Al Reesh Brigades is one of the armed wings of Fateh.

Also on Saturday evening, the Israeli army shelled several areas in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, damage was reported. Soldiers also fired missile at an electricity generator in the area causing power blackout.
One resident was injured in a separate shelling carried out by the army against an area east of Gaza city, the resident was identified as Khaleed Al Qahwaji, 23 years old.
In Beit Hanoun, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, one Palestinian policeman was injured after the army fired a missile at an area east of the city. Soldiers shelled Gaza at least five times on Saturday at night, damage was reported.