Mohammad Hijazi, one of the prominent leaders of the Al Aqsa Brigades, the military wing of Fateh, in the Gaza Strip, said that Fateh is passing through a real crisis, and accused several Palestinian security officials of pushing some Fateh members in order to conduct violent acts, under the name of the brigades.

“Such acts harm the image of the brigades among the people, we do not have any relation with these violations, and these groups which claim to be part of our faction”, Hijazi said, “These groups belong to leaders of some Palestinian devices who are acting in order to achieve personal gains”.
Hijazi added that Fateh movement is facing a real crisis, and that the brigades “do not really give much credit” to Fateh candidates because “we that they will act in accordance to their own interests, and will not serve the people”, he stated.
Referring to the possibility that Hamas movement might win the legislative elections, Hijazi said that the Al Aqsa Brigades is part of the Palestinian people, and will support any party the residents elect.
Also, Hijazi added that resistance against the occupation will continue “because everybody knows that the West Bank is still occupied”.   
He refused the renewal of the truce unless Israel agrees to release the detainees, withdraw from West Bank, stops interfering in the running of Rafah border crossing, stop the aggression against the Palestinians, and stop hunting the resistance fighters.
Hijazi also said that the brigades will not stop its activities even if Egypt asks them to do so, adding that “resistance will continue, until our demands are met”.