Al Qaeda Network in Iraq claimed responsibility of firing several shells at Israel, two days ago, from the Lebanese territories.

In a statement released by the network and signed by Abu Maisara Al Iraqi, the network said that one of its groups fired ten “Karad missiles at selected targets in Israel”.

Al Qaeda said on its website statement it had launched missiles at Israel from Lebanon.

"The lion sons of al Qaeda launched … A new attack on the Jewish state by launching 10 missiles … From the Muslims’ lands in Lebanon on selected targets in the north of the Jewish state",  Al Qaeda statement reads.

This is the first time that Al Qaeda network claims responsibility for attacks against Israeli targets. The attack was carried out, on Tuesday, when an armed group fired several Katyusha missiles at Keryat Shmoneh and Shlomi Israel towns, north of Israel.

At least ten missiles were fired at Israeli areas; several soldiers and Israeli were injured. Al Qaeda said in a statement posted on the website said on Thursday that it had launched missiles at Israel from Lebanon as part of a “new attack on the Jewish state”.

Israel held the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine responsible for the attacks, and shelled several sites which belong to the Front, south of Beirut, and later on held Hezbollah responsible.

 An Israeli source reported that the statement could not be authenticated, but was posted on a main website frequently used by Iraqi insurgent groups.