Israeli security devices recommended the government to evacuate the residents of the Lebanese side of the occupied village of Al Ghagar, into Israel, and compensate them in accordance to the Israeli "evacuation and compensation law".

The plan includes installing a fence which will leave half of the Lebanese village under full Israeli control, while the other half will be evacuated before Israel completely seals the border.
The plan recommends moving the 400 residents of the Lebanese side of the village into Israel and compensates them.
A senior Israeli source reported that the Israeli Attorney General Menachem Mazuz, will submit the legal opinion regarding this issue to the Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon.
The source stated that Sharon asked Mazuz, in 2004, to evaluate and study the possibility of evacuating the village; Mazuz agreed to the plan but it was not put into practice.
Israeli online daily, Haaretz, reported that the residents of Ghajar town rejected the idea of moving villagers from the northern, Lebanese part of the community into Israeli territory.
Yet, the Israeli TV Channel 2 reported the military establishment recommends the move.
Ahmad Falati, local council head of the village, said that the residents were approached with this idea before but strongly rejected it.
"This is our land, these are our homes", he said, "the residents won 600 Dunams (150 acres) located on the Lebanese side".
Al Ghagar village was divided by an invisible border between the northern, Lebanese, half and the southern, Israeli half, since Israel’s withdrawal from Lebanon in May 2000.
The army installed a checkpoint at the entrance of the village, three years ago, and all vehicles except those belonging to local residents are prohibited from entering.
According to Haaretz, the local council of Al Ghagar village petitioned the Israeli High Court of Justice, demanding the free movement of traffic be restored, and the court recently asked the local council and the government "to work out a solution".