Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazin) said on Wednesday that he received elections assurances from Washington regarding enabling the Palestinians to hold elections in East Jerusalem, and that he seeks similar promises from Israel.

Also, Abbas protested to the changing policy on the part of Israel regarding the elections in the occupied East Jerusalem.
"They say we can hold elections in Jerusalem, and then they say we can’t", Abbas said during a conference in Gaza, "today, for the first time, I received an assurance from the Americans, saying that the elections could take place in east Jerusalem".
Meanwhile, King Abdullah of Jordan urged Israel to allow Palestinians residing in east Jerusalem to vote in upcoming parliamentary elections, and said that this is an important step on the way to ensuring democracy and reforms in the P.A areas.
The statements of King Abdullah came during his meeting with Abbas at end of tour of Arab gulf countries.
Moreover, Abbas said that after receiving the guarantees there is nothing preventing the Palestinian Authority from going ahead with the elections, and called on the Palestinians to take part "in the shaping of democracy".
"We want to show the world that we deserve democracy, and we will achieve it". Abbas added.
Commenting on closure and checkpoints Israel is forcing in the West Bank, Abbas said that these checkpoints should be lifted because they are separating the Palestinians from each other, but he added that the checkpoints won’t prevent or delay the elections.
Also, Abbas said that the truce with Israel must continue in 2006, and considered it "a gift to the Palestinians".
He condemned the firing of homemade shells at Israel, adding that they [the shells] fall in Palestinian territories, and cause Israel to retaliate and kill the Palestinian people, Israeli Ynetnews reported.