Israeli soldiers imposed a strict siege over the West Bank city of Jenin over the last several days, barred the residents from the freedom of movement, and conducted repeated invasions which targeted the Islamic Jihad movement, especially in Jenin, Jenin refuge camp, and Qabatia town.

The Israeli security services claim that the Islamic Jihad movement, and in spite of the assassinations and arrests carried by the army against it, and the arrest of its leader Eyad Abu Al Rob, it manage to recruit several residents to carry suicide attacks especially after the army assassinated its leader in the West Bank Luay Al Saadi.
Suicide bombers in recent bombing carried by the movement, said in their video tapped messages that the bombings will continue, and that this is only the beginning of the retaliation to the Israeli attacks.
After the suicide bombing which was conducted at a military checkpoint near Jenin, soldiers invaded the city, occupied at least 30 homes and used them as military posts ad monitoring towers after detaining the families.
Also, soldiers imposed a strict siege around the area and barred the residents from entering or leaving it. The Jenin refugee camp was completely sealed off for three days.
The Israeli security distributed leaflets in the area threatening the residents of "sever punishment" if they provide any assistance to the wanted members of the Islamic Jihad.
Israeli troops also invaded Al Yamoun, Borqeen, Anza, Tubas, and Tammoun, all near Jenin, and broke into dozens of homes which belong to members of the Islamic Jihad.
The most intensive invasion was carried out in Qabatia after the army assassinated several fighters of the military wing of the Islamic Jihad.
Military checkpoints, strict closure and siege, had its direct affects on the daily life of the residents who were bared from leaving their areas, while soldiers at several roadblocks attacked the residents, and violated their rights.
Resident Moneer Abdullah said that soldiers stopped his car at one of the military checkpoints near the southern entrance of the Jenin refugee camp while he was attempting to cross back home, transporting with him some children and women.
He was stopped to several hours, and when the soldiers said that the residents can pass, one of the soldiers shouted at him and said that everybody, except him, can pass.
Some of the soldiers at the checkpoint severely punched and clubbed him, and told him that "because he is from Jenin, he cannot pass".  
While the residents were trying to celebrate Al Adha Moslem feast, and expecting more active movement in the markets, they were barred from leaving their areas, and even barred from reaching the nearby villages.
Kamal Sammoudi, head of the Chamber Of Commerce in Jenin said that the closure and strict siege has directly affected the economical situation in the area, and barred the movement of employees, workers and students, which raised unemployment rates in the area. 
Israeli military officials said that the army did not finish its operations in the area and "vowed" further attacks and invasions.