Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Abu Mazin, said that he is ready for immediate resumption of peace talks with Israel, and that he is ready to convene with the acting Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

The statements of Abbas came during a press conference in Ramallah; he said that he is ready to meet Olmert, as soon as possible, and negotiate with him. 
Abbas did not comment on the preconditions Olmert set for the resumption of peace talks, and said that "only negotiations lead to peace, not assassinations, invasions and unilateral procedures".
Olmert called recently on Abbas to start negotiations with Israel after the elections in Palestine and Israel, yet he conditioned that the Palestinian Authority (P.A) should disarm all armed factions, and stop their attacks.
Olmert also claimed that the P.A is not committed to the Road Map Plan. 
Also, the P.A called on the Quartet, which includes the United States, Russia, the UN and the EU, to start implementing, without any precondition, the Road Map Plan directly after the Palestinian legislative elections.
Abbas said, earlier on Wednesday, that he might resign if the elected Palestinian government in Jan. 25 opposes his platform, which includes peaceful negotiations with Israel.
Referring to his post as Palestinian leader, Abbas said "If I feel that I can’t fulfill this program … then the seat is not my ultimate ambition".
However, he said that he hopes that regardless of the election results, he would be able to pursue his peace plans.
Abbas also reiterated his demands to the armed Palestinian groups to give up their weapons and join the Palestinian security facilities. He said that 11 Palestinian factions participating in the election have a responsibility to disarm.
Hamas, is expected to post a strong challenge to the ruling Fateh Party in the elections, and will most likely earn spots in the next government.
Abbas promised that the elections would be clean and honest, and demanded gunmen not to bring arms to the polling stations. Hamas has also agreed to refrain from bringing weapons to the polling stations.