A Palestinian medical source in Gaza reported, on Sunday evening, that one resident was killed, at least seven were injured, after an Israeli helicopter fired one missile at a vehicle driving near the Karni Crossing, east of Gaza city.

A medical source in Gaza identified the killed resident as Mohammad Abdul-Al; he is a resident of al Shujaeyya neighborhood, east of Gaza city. 
Several other residents were injured, two seriously. The residents were walking in the street when the shelling took place.
The air-strike targeted a vehicle which was carrying members of Salah Ed Deen Brigades, the military wing of the popular resistance committees.
All of the activists survived the attack after noticing the military apache approaching; in contradictory to Israeli army report, the killed resident is not affiliated with any resistance faction.
The Palestinian Authority slammed the attacked and said that Israel wants to escalate the situation in the Palestinian territories ahead of the legislative elections slated or January 25.