The United States reiterated its rejection to hold talks with Hamas despite its participation in the Palestinian Legislative elections.

White House spokesman Scott McClellan said that the USA will not deal with Hamas since "it is a terrorist organization", according to him.
McClellan declined to report whether the United States would cut off aid to the Palestinian Authority if Hamas wins the elections.
"We have to wait and see what happens in the elections", he said, "We will not play a what-if scenario".
He added that there is a contradiction when dealing with an authority which also operates outside the political process. He was referring to Hamas military operations and its calls for the destruction of Israel, Israeli online daily Haaretz reported.
Jimmy Carter, the former U.S president, who leads the international observers team said on Wednesday that Hamas should "become moderate" if it wants to achieve international recognition.
The statements of Carter came during his participation in the Herzliya conference. He said that the movement’s participation in the elections "may or not may lead it to assume moderate and peaceful policy".
Carter also called on Israel to withdraw from more settlements in the West Bank for the sake of the creation of a Palestinian State.