Latest unofficial results show that Hamas has won 75 out of the 132 seats in the Palestinian Legislative Council in the elections held on Wednesday in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, Palestinian media sources reported.

A Hamas spokesperson in Gaza Strip said Hamas won 44 seats on the majority vote and 31 in the proportional representation vote.
Ismael Haniya, Hamas leader in Gaza Strip confirmed that the movement won a majority in the parliament.
According to the latest exit polls conducted by Birzeit University, Fatah won 63 and Hamas won 58.
The Palestinian electoral commission made no comment and was expected to announce the official result later on Thursday.
Some 77 percent of the 1.34 million legible voters participated in the vote which went very smoothly without serious violations to be mentioned except that most of the lists and candidates continued with the election campaigns on the Election Day which is against the law.
Local observers believe these results will change the political arena in the Palestinian territories.
Israel and the US have rejected dialogue with Hamas, a group which is listed on the American list of terrorism.
It has carried out nearly 60 bombings since 2000 against the Israeli occupation.