An Israeli Army source reported on Tuesday night that one Israeli resident was injured after a Palestinian resistance group fired a homemade shell at the Israeli Negev town of Sderot.  

Two other homemade shells landed in Palestinian territories causing a blackout after hitting an electricity pole. The source stated that the injured Israeli suffered mild injuries and was treated on the spot by Magen David Adom paramedics. One car was damaged after a shell landed in one of the streets.
Earlier Tuesday, two Qassam shells landed near Sderot.  A third landed near Kibbutz Zikim, and a fourth in the Mediterranean Sea,  according to an Israeli army source. According to the mayor of Sderot, Eli Moyal, six Qassams landed in the town, including  four in the outskirts .He was critical of the Israeli authorities, especially the acting Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, for "not caring about Sderot residents", and leaving them without "even a phone call" after the shells were fired.
In several parts of northern Gaza, the electricity was completely cut off after two Qassam homemade shells landed in a Palestinian area, hitting an electrical pole.   
The Israeli army claimed that the Islamic Jihad was behind the attacks, most likely in response to the assassination of a senior resistance fighter in Jenin on Wednesday.