In an interview with, Shiekh Yasser Mansour, a Hamas prominent leader and member of the Palestinian Legislative Council affirmed that the movement has no reservations about opening dialogue with any European countries.


He added that the movement is interested in having meeting with Europeans and even inviting them to visit Palestine in order to show the devastating effects of the Israeli occupation.

Shiekh Mansour added that the European countries always demand that the democratic process to be respected; by the same right, we demand that both the International and regional community respect the outcome of the Palestinian election.  
Like all Palestinians, Hamas wants security, peace and justice; this will only be achieved by ending the occupation and restoring to the Palestinian people their human rights and their freedom. These principles are held in high esteem by the International community.    
Asked about Hamas’ ability to deal with the upcoming requirements of power, Shiekh Mansour said that Hamas has 18 years successful experience dealing with Israeli occupation and developing relations with European and Arab countries. Hamas has sent delegations to these countries.  It already has strong relations with Lebanon, Syria and Iran.        

At home, Hamas has successfully established and managed social and charitable societies and associations. Mr Mansour added that it is interested in working in partnership with Fattah members and other factions to agree on a joint framework for governing. It assured President Mahmoud Abbas that it will respect its commitment to the Palestinians.