Lawyer of the Hebron office of the Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS), Hasan Al Sheikh, visited on Tuesday several detainees in Gush Azion detention facility who informed him of daily violations carried by the soldiers.

The detention facility is run by the Israeli army since it is located inside a military camp; therefore it is not monitored by any international humanitarian organization.
Majd Al Najjar, head of the Hebron office of the PPS, reported that humanitarian organizations are not allowed in the camp, while the detainees are subjected to torture and humiliation, in addition to bad living conditions.
Al Najjar met with detainees Mubarak Olayyan Zyadat, 30, from Bani Neim village, east of Hebron, who was arrested on January 26, 2006.
When transferred to Gush Azion, Zyadat said that was handcuffed, legs tied, and remained this way for ten hours, until he passed out; Soldiers transferred him to Hadassah Ein Karem hospital in Jerusalem.
After short hospitalization he was transferred to Ofer detention facility, he still needs further medical treatment.        
Detainee Yousef Abdul-Aziz Qazzaz, had his hand sliced open during the removal of his handcuffs, and the wound, which required ten stitches, became infected due to lack of medical treatment.
Also, detainee Jaber Jaaber Al Hroush, 53, from Yatta village near Hebron, is suffering from cancer and kidney failure. He is not receiving the needed medical attention and treatment, his health condition is continuously deteriorating.