president George Bush declared that the Hamas Islamic movement should not get any funds until it recognizes and to be a peace partner.



In his statements to the reporters, President Bush declined from giving any comments on ‘s decision to freeze paying tax revenues to the Palestinian Authority. But the spokesman of the US State department Adam Erly said that administration understands ‘s decision.


In a joint press conference with Ahmed Abu Al Gheit, the Egyptian foreign minister in Cairo on Tuesday, on the first leg of a five-day tour of US regional allies aimed at mustering support for Washington’s policies in the Middle East, US secretary of state Condaleezza Rice said that the International community is expecting the new Palestinian government to comply to perquisites to take power. These perquisites include recognizing , commitment to the past agreements and renouncing what she described as terrorism  



 Addressing the Hamas Islamic movement Rice said "You can not have one foot in the camp of terror and another foot in the camp of politics,"



Ahmad Abu Al Ghiet the Egyptian foreign minister said that Hamas should be given enough time says " We should not prejudge the case, I am sure that Hamas will develop’ adding that he is confident that the Palestinians will realize the perquisites of the recent situation and the need for two coexisted states within security  borders and mutual recognition   



Abu Al Ghiet affirmed ‘s rejection to any Israeli policy that may lead to freeze Palestinian tax revenues.