Israeli military bulldozers leveled on Tuesday a Palestinian house and a farm in Beit Iksa village, north west of Jerusalem. Army claims that the two constructions were built without obtaining construction permits from the Israeli authorities.
The Palestinian News Agency, WAFA, reported that soldiers invaded the village,  surrounded the house of Amjad Shihada, and leveled it after forcing the family out.

Soldiers leveled the house, located north east of the village, using a huge military bulldozer known as “Atlas”, the WAFA news agency added. The family was not informed that soldiers intend to level their house on Tuesday.

Shihada stated that he obtained a temporary ruling from the Israeli High Court barring the soldiers from leveling his house and farm.

Minister of Local Government, Dr. Khaled Al Qawasmi, said that the constructions of Shihada are located in an area “B” and “C”, which Israel claims control on.

Al Qawasmi added that the ministry repeatedly contacted the Israeli side regarding constructions in this area but Israel is interested in limiting the expansion of Palestinian constructions close to Jerusalem in order to annex these areas to Jerusalem boundaries.      
A source at the Palestinian Ministry of Local Government said that the ministry intends to help resident resident Shihada by the weighing the possibility of compensating him, or aid in appealing to the Israeli High Court of Justice to claim compensations.

Beit Iksa village council reported that the leveling of the house and the farm is part of a wider Israeli plan which endangers several others houses and lands in the area.