A Palestinian security source in Gaza reported that several gunmen attacked the British Cultural Council, and the European Union Office,  in protest to the Israeli invasion to Jericho and the attack against the Jericho Central Prison, which is monitored by U.S and British guards.
The source stated that Palestinian policemen exchanged fire with gunmen of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

Protests erupted in Gaza with gunmen firing live rounds at the British Cultural Center, and briefly broke into the offices of the AMIDEAST, which is a private organization that provides English classes and testing services.

Some 300 Palestinians led by dozens of gunmen marched towards the British Cultural Center while the police surrounded the building and tried to keep the crowd away. The police and the gunmen fired rounds of live ammunition into the air, and apparently exchanged fire, no immediate reports of injuries were released,

Israeli online daily, Haaretz, reported that fighter of the AL Aqsa Brigades, the military wing of Fateh movement, called on all American and British national to leave the Palestinian territories within two hours.

Members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine also warned they would attack foreign embassies if the PFLP leader Ahmad Saadat, who is imprisoned in the Jericho Prison is killed in the Israeli invasion and attack against the prison.

Meanwhile, the armed wing of the PFLP announced that it a abducted eight French residents in the northern Gaza Strip in retaliation to the attack against the Jericho Prison, but they were released at a Palestinian roadblock fifteen minutes later.

Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, said earlier on Tuesday that the U.S and the U.K bare full responsibility of the attack against the prison in Jericho since the British and American guards withdrew from the prison compound prior to the Israeli attack.

One Palestinian policeman, and one detainee, were killed and at least eight were injured on the ongoing attack.

Also,  Sa’adaat, said in a phone call from Jericho Prison that the U.S and U.K are responsible for the ongoing attack against the prison compound.    

Sa’adat added that he will not surrender and accused the U.K and British guards of collaborating with the Israeli army by withdrawing from the compound prior to the Israeli invasion.

Saadat, who is also a newly elected Palestinian legislator, and five PFLP members were transferred to Jericho prison in May 2002 after being surrounded in the Presidential Headquarters in Ramallah along with the late president Yasser Arafat.

He was transferred to Jericho prison guarded the U.K and U.S troops after the two countries guaranteed his safety.