The acting Palestinian Prime Minister, Ismail Haniyya, stated on Saturday evening, that he will meet the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Sunday to present the formation of the Hamas-led government.

Hamas, according to Haniyya, is committed to continuous cooperation with president Abbas and dialogue with all Palestinian factions and independent figures.


In a press conference in Gaza , Haniyya said that he phoned Abbas on Friday regarding the formation of the new government, and received what was described as “a positive response”.  


Haniyya added that his movement kept all negotiation panels with all Palestinian factions open in order to give them the chance to be part of the upcoming government.


Sources in Hamas revealed on Saturday that the new government will include 22 ministers, including seven Hamas members. The rest will be technocrat, independent ministers and one Christian minister.


During his speech in Gaza, Haniyya said that the should halt its attacks against the Palestinian people, release Ahmad Saadat and Fuad Shobaky, who were arrested in the Jericho Prison raid, and all of the Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons and detention facilities.  


He added that the Palestinian Authority and people should protect the internationals present in the P.A areas to maintain the civilized aspects of the Palestinian society.


Haniyya also called for reorganizing the Palestinian organizations and protect them, and to protect the Palestinian struggle for independence and liberation.


“We have to reorganize our institutions, and create a national plan to protect our people, and their interests”, Haniyya added, “The refugees in Palestine and in exile should be included in our plans and talks”.


Also, Haniyya stressed on the importance of rebuilding the Palestinian Liberation Organization using democratic means in order to include all Palestinian and Islamic factions, and guarantee national rights of the Palestinian people and the refugees.  


Haniyya added that the upcoming government intends to conduct real reforms in all aspects of the Palestinian Authority in order to achieve the Palestinian aspirations.


Referring to the international pressures on Hamas and the threats to cut the financial aid to the P.A, Haniyya said that these threats are against the Palestinian people who elected their representatives in a democratic and transparent way.    


“We will run a successful government that will be able to conduct reforms and help our people”, Haniyya said, “Our people will not starve”.