The organization Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) has called on other Jewish organizations and individuals to join the campaign to pressure Caterpillar, Inc. to stop profiting from the destruction of Palestinian homes and livelihoods.
JVP renewed its call in honor of the American peace activist Rachel Corrie on the third anniversary of her murder on March 16, 2003, when an Israeli Army Caterpillar bulldozer crushed her to death. Rachel was standing in front of the bulldozer as part of an effort to protect a Palestinian home from being demolished in the Gaza Strip City of Rafah.

JVP said Rachel’s name would never have been known had she not stood for what she knew to be right, protecting and defending human rights afforded to all human beings.

The JVP statement called on Caterpillar to stop selling bulldozers to Israel until Israel stops using these machines to destroy Palestinian lives and livelihoods in contravention of human rights and humanitarian law.

"We call on Caterpillar to establish transparent and credible mechanisms for independent monitoring and verification, with the assistance of human rights NGOs, to establish when these conditions are met, the statement added.

"We further call on Caterpillar to adopt a code of conduct which complies with the UN Human Rights Norms for Business and ensures the application of Article 11, which states that Trans National Corporations and other business enterprises should take stringent measures to prevent any products or services they produce or supply from being used to commit violations of international human rights or humanitarian law," it said.

"We further call on civil and human rights activists, faith-based organizations, peace activists, Arab-American organisations, Jewish groups, students, and others who promote peace and justice in Israel and Palestine to join us in our efforts," the statement Concluded.

Jewish Voice for Peace is a diverse and democratic community of activists inspired by Jewish tradition to work together for peace, social justice, and human rights. It supports the aspirations of Israelis and Palestinians for security and self-determination.