In an age in which the South Americans are slowly re-asserting their rights to decide their own futures it is sad to see Palestine moving the other way.
Dear Editor:

This is a very sad day for democracy, for human rights and for the rule of law. Rather than uphold the obvious wishes of the Palestinian people for a government of national unity, Fatah and smaller political parties have chosen to submit to US/Israeli pressure not to do so, presumably with the hope that the intended strangling of the Hamas government will re-open the gravy boat and they can again dip their snouts in the trough. This isn’t what the Palestinian people wanted.

And far worse, perhaps, it is collusion with the US/Israeli plan and based only on the absurd prospect of a "negotiated" settlement if the Palestinians submit. Of course, the Palestinians have been pleading for "negotiations" ever since the Israelis walked away from talks at Taba but their please have been treated with contempt by both Israel and US.

I submit that it is glaringly obvious that "negotiation" has no possibility of a viable solution at all. The three main Israeli parties all have policies, which involve the appropriation of significant amounts of Palestinian land and of the racist denial of the rights of the refugees. These policies have the clearly stated blessing of George W. Bush. All are in defiance of international law and the rights of the Palestinian people.

"Negotiation" may vary the size of the crumbs available to the Palestinian "negotiators" but that is all. They will not provide justice or compliance with the law. The violence will not end without that.

A new broom was needed and this was recognized by the election of Hamas. The smaller Palestinian parties have betrayed the electorate in submitting to US/Israeli bullying, blackmail and bribery. The bribes are just too small to be of value.

In an age in which the South Americans are slowly re-asserting their rights to decide their own futures, free of US domination, it is sad to see Palestine moving the other way. Hopefully, the people will make clear how they feel about this betrayal. This is the time for unity and determination.

Christopher Leadbeater
Kent, England