Three Palestinians, two of whom were said to be operatives of the Islamic Jihad movement, were killed Thursday morning as an Israeli surveillance plane fired at least two missiles at them, Palestinian and Israeli sources reported.
The two were identified as Mohammad Ayyad from Gaza city, and Sufian Abu Gharaba from al-Maghazi refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip.  A third man said to be killed as well in the same strike, however, is still unknown.

Israeli sources said the men were trying to plant an explosive device at the border area between parts of the Gaza Strip, adding that on their attempt to leave the area, they fired a home-made shell at the Kissufim military base to the east of the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian medical sources said the Israeli military informed them that they killed two Palestinians in Abu Al-Ajeen neighborhood near the Gaza Strip borders; however, ambulances were not allowed to evacuate the bodies yet.

Al-Quds brigade, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad movement in Palestine, stated that its operatives fired two home-made shells at Israeli targets as a response to the ongoing Israeli policy of assassination, arrest and invasions, which target Palestinian resistance leaders in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.