A lawyer with the Palestinian Prisoners Society said that the Salem Military Court in Israel submitted rulings Monday against Mohammad Khatib of Balata Refugee Camp, sentencing him to 8 months imprisonment and a fine of NIS 2000, and Am’mar Abu Hamadah of Balata Camp, whose ‘administrative detention’ (Israel’s term for holding Palestinians without charges) for another 11 days.

The same court decided to extend the custody of another two Palestinians for an unlimited period, and to extend the custody of Ahmad Faoury for 14 days, Ahmad Othman and Yahya Han;nini for 12 days.

Mehir Salman and Mahmoud Tab’bouq also had their detentions extended indefinitely, Ahmad Othman of Balata will be held for 16 more days and Yousef Mas’simi for 15 days.

The court decided to keep in custody another two prisoners of Balata for another 10 days, and some other five prisoners were ordered to be kept in the jail for 6 to 23 days.

Most of those sentenced were not given charges at all, in a policy of the Israeli government to hold prisoners without charges.  1500 Palestinians continue to be held without charges in Israeli jails, a practice that is illegal under international law.