Israeli sources reported that three Israelis were killed when a suicide bomber detonated explosives in a car after night fall on Thursday close to the entrance of Qadumim settlement, near the West Bank city of Qalqilia.



The vehicle blew up around 21:45 while it was close Qadumim gas station; Israeli soldiers closed that area directly after the attack.

According to the Israeli online daily, Haaretz, a new armed wing of Fateh calling itself Hammouda Shtewi Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

The group identified the bomber as Ahmad Mahmoud Masharqa, 24, from the West Bank city of Hebron.  

Haaretz added that the three Israeli had apparently picked up the suicide bomber, who was likely dressed as an observant Jew, as he was hitchhiking on the road, he then detonated the explosives in their car.

The Israeli police believe that the three Israelis killed in the attack are two women and one man, while the fourth is the bomber.

It is not clear if the bomber got in the car at the entrance of the settlement or rode with the Israelis from another area.

After the attack, the Israeli Prime Minister office blamed the Palestinian Authority (P.A) for the attack and accused it of doing nothing to prevent the attacks.

Office spokesperson, David Baker, charged that the Palestinian controlled areas are ground for attacks since the P.A is not conducting any efforts regarding this issue.

The last bombing carried against Israeli targets took place in December 29, 2005, at an Israeli checkpoint in the occupied West Bank; one soldier, two Palestinians and the bomber were killed in the attack.