Friday morning, Israeli soldiers invaded the West Bank city of Bethlehem, and several surrounding areas, and arrested nine residents said to be members or supporters of Hamas.

A local source in Bethlehem reported that soldiers invaded Bethlehem through Beit Jala town, and through the main entrance of Bethlehem near the Rachel Tomb.

Troops surrounded several neighborhoods including a neighborhood that is only dozens of meters away from the Manger Square and the Church on Nativity.  
Dozens of houses were searched after the residents were forced out for long periods.

The arrested residents are 18 to 35 years old; they were all handcuffed, blindfolded and taken to an unknown destination.

Soldiers withdrew from Bethlehem shortly after arresting the nine residents.

Meanwhile, an Israeli military source reported that the nine were transferred to an interrogation center. Most likely, the arrested residents were transferred to Gush Azion military camp, near the city.