The Palestinian Ministry of Detainees’ Affairs reported that more than 9,400 detainees are still imprisoned in 28 Israeli prisons and detention facilities.

A statistical report published by the ministry revealed that Israeli soldiers arrested more than 650,000 prisoners since 1967. This represents 20% of the total population in the Palestinian territories.

The report made clear that 550 prisoners were arrested before the current Al Aqsa Intifada, which broke out late September 2000; they represent 5.9% of the total number of prisoners.

369 prisoners were arrested before the establishment of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) in 1994, they represent 3.9% of the total number of the prisoners.

186 prisoners were detained after the Oslo Accords and before the Al Aqsa Intifada, and form 2% of the total number of prisoners.

According to the statistics, Israeli troops has arrested 10,000 women since 1967; 500 female prisoners were arrested during the Al Aqsa Intifada, and 120 of them are still in custody which represents 1.3% of the total female prisoners.

110 female prisoners are from the West Bank; 6 from Jerusalem; and 4 from the Gaza Strip; the four female detainees are under the age of eighteen.

About 4,000 children were arrested from the beginning of Al Aqsa Intifada: 16 children were from Jerusalem; 5 from Gaza Strip, and the rest 309 were from the West Bank; 69 from Nablus, 77 from Ramallah, and 26 from Hebron, 36 from Jenin and 57 from Bethlehem. The army arrested 207 children in 2005 and 7 others in 2006.

The report also mentioned that 70 children, form 21.9% of the children detainees, are sick and suffering different diseases. 99 % of the children were subjected to torture, particularly by putting a special kind of bags that gives off obnoxious smell on their heads, let alone and other sorts of physical torment.

127 children are in Talmond Jail, 90 children in the detention camps of Ofer; 20 in Majeddo; and the others are in Hasharon, Mascobia, and Etsyon Jails and concentration camps.

As for the health condition of the prisoners, the Prisoners Affairs’ report pointed out that nearly 140 prisoners were arrested before Al Aqsa Intifada, and that they are suffering bad health conditions. Some of them are suffering heart diseases and arthritis as well as 1000 prisoners who suffer from different chronic diseases some of them were arrested after being injured by shooting, whereas no urgent treatment was offered.

Palestinians imprisoned by Israeli are subjected to regular practices that would absolutely lead to health problems. They are targeted physically and psychologically by being denied needed medical attention, and by practices of oppression, humiliation and physical torture. Teams of detention, interrogation and prison guards belonging to the many Israeli military and security agencies commonly use these strategies.

The Israeli strategies of weakening the body, emotional state, and the soul are used intensively and tragically by a state that claims to be a democracy. The legitimizing of physical torture against prisoners by the Israeli political and judiciary system is a unique precedent on the international level. It is a dangerous violation to the international convictions and agreements.

The report mentioned the martyrs who died in prisons are 182 prisoners. They died as a result of torture, murder and neglect of health care.

To this point, the ministry report said that 182 prisoners were enlisted in the districts lists and candidates list in the 25 January elections, among were 15 became members of the Palestinian legislative council, forming 11.4% of the total number of the PLC MPs numbered 132.

Moreover, the Israeli  authorities has lately set free the newly elected members of Parliament Ahmed Al Haj Ali and Omer Abed Al Razeq, nominated as Economic Minister as the rest 13 MPs are still being jailed constituting 9.8% of the total number of PLC members.